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Is It Safe to Ride Your Motorcycle in Winter?

By John Funk, January 20, 2022

Riding a motorcycle gives you a feeling of power and freedom as you are in total control of the moment. When you experience the open air with the wind brushing through your face, you feel as though you are flying and not just riding. The sheer enjoyment of being on a motorcycle and the thrill of clocking high speeds give the best adrenaline rush a motorcyclist can ever ask for.

The total sense of freedom that you experience while riding a motorcycle helps you improve your state of mind as well. That moment when you are on your bike, you completely forget about your personal and professional problems, and the freedom within you can push away the feeling of anxiety and depression.

Motorcycles also have a lot of practical benefits associated with them. Motorcycles are affordable and more fuel-efficient when compared to cars and they help you save at the pump. They are flexible in traffic, making it easier for you to reach your destination quickly.

In a car, you only feel the air conditioner, but riding a bike makes you feel that you are a part of the universe as you experience what nature has to offer. A bike rider feels hot and sweaty during the summer season, cold in the winters, and gets drenched in the rains during the rainy season – a negative to some, but a plus to many others.

Riding a motorcycle in winter can be challenging and you should know what you can expect from winter conditions and be ready to respond to them.

How to Manage the Risks of Winter Motorcycle Riding

Can you ride a motorcycle in winter? The answer to this question is simple: yes. However, riding a motorcycle in winter can be tough and challenging. Even if you are someone who enjoys taking on the challenge of winter riding, there are some dangers that you might encounter which may require extra thought and action to deal with them.

  • Visibility. Fog, mist, and haze can reduce visibility, making it difficult for you to see while riding. You may not be able to see a speeding vehicle from the opposite direction and you may be invisible to other drivers as well. It can be even more dangerous if a bigger car or truck is speeding towards you. Wearing high-visibility warning clothing is an effective solution to this problem. Wearing a brightly colored outfit and reflective gear can help the problem of being invisible to other vehicle drivers.
  • Challenging road conditions. The accumulation of ice, frost, and road salt can make the road surface slippery. Morning frost and black ice can also be expected at freezing temperatures. Temperature fluctuations can result in the development of potholes that can be difficult to spot. It is advisable to avoid riding bikes in such places, but if it is important for you to travel, then make sure that you are even more engaged, constantly scanning and analyzing potential hazards while riding your bike.
  • Low tire pressure. During the winter season, the air inside the tire condenses and takes up less space when it’s cold. Cold tires offer less grip as low temperatures lead to low tire pressure. It is important for you to inflate your tires, or at least make sure that braking, accelerating, and leaning are moderated to accommodate cold tires, especially at the beginning of the ride. Before taking a ride, it is important to improve your tires’ traction by getting them warmed up.
  • Safe following distance. During the winter season or other inclement weather conditions, try to increase your safe following distance to a minimum of five seconds. The more distance between your motorcycle and other vehicles, the more time you will have to react if something goes wrong.

If you have decided that you want to ride your motorcycle in winter, it is important for you to know how winter riding is different and what steps you need to follow to keep yourself safe during the ride.

How to Store Your Motorcycle for Winter

During the winter season, try to avoid riding your motorcycle on a regular basis, considering your safety and also the numerous challenges that this season presents to your beloved bike. Storing your motorcycle is a smart option that you need to choose. Your bike should be stored properly if you want to have a trouble-free spring and extend the lifespan of your bike.

You have got the answer to your question: Can you ride a motorcycle in winter? Now, let’s see what needs to be done to ensure that your bike is stored properly.

  • Charge or replace your battery. The freezing temperature causes the viscosity of motor oil to increase and the battery performance declines. The battery can be charged using a smart charger. For this, you need to have a cable connected to your battery with an access plug. If your battery is old, you can replace it with one that has enough cold-cranking amps (CCA). You can check the service manual to find out the CCA rating.
  • Clean and lubricate. To ensure that your motor maintains optimal performance, you need to change the motor oil to correspond with the normal range of winter temperatures. You can check your service manual to know the specifications for changing the viscosity of the oil. The chain should be cleaned and lubricated. Also, make sure to lubricate the cables. Apply wax, preferably WD-40, to the paint.
  • Add fuel stabilizer. If your bike is not used for a long time, it can result in the accumulation of bad gas in the float bowls. When you try to start your bike in the spring, it can affect your plugs and battery which may prevent your motorcycle from starting. This can be resolved by adding a fuel stabilizer to the gas tank which will also prevent water vapor from condensing on the insides that can otherwise cause rusting.
  • Preserve the cylinders. If you are planning to keep the bike in storage and not use it for a longer period of time, you should add some oil to the cylinders. This can be done by using an engine fogging oil. This prevents corrosion and preserves the cylinders.
  • Use a winter motorcycle cover. It is advisable to park your motorcycle indoors as temperature variations can cause rusting and damage the plastic and metallic parts. Indoor storage may be a better option when compared to outdoor storage; however, it is not completely safe either. Dust and dirt formation can make the paint turn abrasive and cause minute scratches. An effective winter motorcycle cover can safeguard your motorcycle, whether it’s parked indoors or outdoors.

Taking the necessary steps will ensure that your bike will be ready to ride in the spring and you don’t have to shell out your hard-earned money on cleaning, repairing, and replacing expensive parts.

The Significant Advantages of Using a Bike Cover for Winter Storage

There are various benefits of using a snow-resistant cover during the winter season. The following are just some of the benefits that you can keep in mind before purchasing a winter motorcycle cover.

  • Low temperatures caused by the snow can affect tire pressure. A winter motorcycle cover solves this problem and also ensures that snow and water cannot get underneath the cover.
  • An effective bike cover ensures that the paint remains new for a long period of time and also prevents any kind of scratch.
  • A high-quality winter motorcycle cover will keep condensation out during freezing temperatures, ensuring complete protection of your bike.

Why Choose Seal Skin’s Expertly Designed Motorcycle Covers?

We offer one of the best snow-resistant bike covers on the market. Seal Skin winter motorcycle covers offer the following benefits for you to consider before purchasing them.

  • At Seal Skin, we offer semi-custom-fit covers that are affordable and offer the same level of protection that a custom cover does.
  • Our winter motorcycle covers have soft liners on the inside to protect the finish of your beloved bike.
  • Our bike covers ensure a snug fit, hugging the contours of your vehicle. This prevents snow or ice from getting formed at the bottom of your bike, thereby preventing any kind of rust.
  • Our vented covers allow moisture to escape, thereby preventing mold and mildew build-up.
  • The Polyester fabric material prevents premature corrosion by allowing condensation to evaporate.

Riding a motorcycle in winter is a matter of personal choice. If you are planning to ride your motorcycle in winter, you should follow the precautions and implement the necessary steps not only to protect your motorcycle but also for your own safety. If you are not planning to ride your motorcycle in winter, then store it either indoors or outdoors. It is important for you to know how to store your motorcycle for winter to safeguard your bike effectively.

Our bike covers are durable, waterproof, and UV-resistant, making it the ideal choice not only for winter but for all other seasons as well. You can call us at 800-915-0038 during our office hours (Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST) and we will help you find the right snow-resistant car cover that fits your needs and budget. We will also help you if you have any questions about our products, shipping policies, and exchange/refund policies.

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